10-second summary

Dementia UK wanted to increase their offerings to supporters in the community and physical challenges space. They had Time for a Cuppa, which had been working well, but were keen to add a new product aimed at a new audience into the mix. They were also establishing an innovation function at the charity - something they had not done before.

What was the challenge?

We ran an audience-led innovation Cycle with a cross-organisation, multifunction project team. They received training and exposure to our tools and methodologies. The audience chosen to engage in our future campaign was ‘Daughters’: women in their 40s and 50s who have parents with dementia and may have daughters themselves.

What did we do?

After running qualitative insight to uncover unmet needs, we curated an ideation day using the vox pops of the audience as a stimulus to get brains whirring in the right direction. After generating hundreds of ideas, we took 4 of the best into prototyping. One of them was a sponsored dog walk.

We tested and pivoted the ideas through qual, quant and smoke testing (digital ad tests). Paws for Dementia tested superbly well. We felt we were on to a real winner…

What we achieved

The team at Dementia UK moved very quickly to get the campaign live and ‘The March Dog Walk’ was born.

It surpassed all expectations - even the wildest - and the nation’s dog lovers supported the cause in record numbers.

  • Raised over £2.1 million in a single month

  • Recruited over 25,000 brand new financial supporters to the organisation

  • This was the biggest ever single Facebook Challenge run in the UK

  • Won Most Powerful Insight Using Research Award from CIOF

Spawned a whole host of copycat events!

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