Rapid prototyping


What is this?

Our Prototyping service is a fast, agile way to take your ideas from concept to validated solution in just 6 weeks. Don’t get bogged down by slow internal approvals or complex sign-off procedures. 

We operate outside of your usual constraints to help you move quickly, testing and refining ideas in real time with your audience.

Whether you’re looking to test new campaigns, products, or concepts, we provide the structure and insight you need to make informed decisions faster.

How we do it

Our process has three distinct stages so your ideas are rigorously tested, validated and pivoted to success

The Flying Cars Prototyping Process encompasses three main stages and multiple pivot points.

1. Qualitative Testing

First we create a diverse virtual audience panel that gives you instant feedback on your raw ideas:

Ideas are improved and pivoted in real-time through teledepth interviews

The panel’s feedback is presented to you as vox pop video clips, showing how people genuinely feel about your concepts. We don’t just tell you – we show you.

Each session leads to immediate pivots and refinements to build better, stronger ideas.

2. Quantitative Testing

We survey a bigger audience to gather additional data using a digital platform. The audience in the quantitative stage are screened to ensure they fit the characteristics of your target market.

Your ideas are tested against a benchmark campaign to see how they measure up against real campaigns.

This phase allows us to refine and optimize the concepts even further, ensuring the strongest version of your idea makes it through

3. Smokescreen Testing

The final ideas are tested on your Meta accounts in a live marketing environment:

We create and run real-world experiments with your target audience using optimized copy and imagery.

We measure click-through rates, shares, and comments, giving you a clear picture of which idea is the strongest.

By the end of this process, you have a clear winning idea backed by hard data.

Strong Woman Challenge

Read how Flying Cars helped the British Heart Foundation co-create this new 30 day challenge

Why work with us?

We understand the pain of slow internal processes and non-stop hurdles. Our approach is designed for speed, agility, and results.

Instead of guessing which idea you should launch based on staff preference you can be audience and data-led

No more delays: We move quickly, completing the full prototyping process in just 6 weeks.

Actionable insights, not guesses: We show you exactly how real people react to your ideas, allowing you to make confident decisions.

Data-backed decisions: Every idea is tested through qualitative, quantitative, and real-world smokescreen methods, ensuring the final concept is refined and ready to succeed.

Agility at its finest: We help you iterate and pivot in real time, avoiding the slowdowns caused by endless internal approvals.

Let us help you move faster, test smarter, and make decisions backed by real-world data—without getting stuck in the process.

Some of our prototyping clients

British Heart Foundation

The Innovation team at BHF had some existing ideas in the mass participation space from a previous ideation session. They had prioritised the best but not tested or pivoted them. Find out more


The Macmillan innovation team had 6 ideas to test in the Wellness Space. Their target audience was Gen Z Women.

Flying Cars created prototypes from 6 ideas we’d created in-house before rigorously testing them with our target audience and pivoting them based on learnings so that we could get a clear and deep understanding of audience appetite and market potential. Rachel Murphy, Senior Innovation Manager, Macmillan

The Flying Cars collaborative approach was impeccable, and their innovation expertise made the experience a joy for us as clients.

Most importantly, the depth of their insights and recommendations gave us a clear understanding of how to move forward and successfully deliver our strongest propositions.

We look forward to opportunities to work together again in the future.
— Rachel Murphy, Senior Innovation Manager