10,000 leads in 10 weeks & 200+ new Regular Givers

10-second summary

Mental Health UK have a growing Individual Giving portfolio but only one reliable campaign bring in new committed givers via Direct Debit. Performance of that one campaign was starting to fall off a cliff.

We created a new campaign that overwhelmed their fulfilment house and answered a direct need for menopausal and peri-menopausal women.

What was the challenge?

With ambitious growth targets in place they needed to add to their portfolio

The team had little time or headspace to try new ideas from scratch. Business-as-usual fundraising took up all their time

Flying Cars were asked to work with the team through our co-creation Full Cycle Innovation process

What did we do?

  • Identified a target audience together (women aged 35-55) with a connection to mental health issues

  • Set a challenging & specific engagement goal over a 3 year horizon

  • Interviewed key senior stakeholders to get their buy-in 

  • Created a diverse qualitative insight panel to understand their pain and gains

  • Ideated with their staff team (and the pigs, goats and horses at Vauxhall City farm) from the audience insight generating over 300+ ideas for new campaign

  •  Shortlisted 4 of the best to take into our unique prototyping process

  • Ran qualitative, quantitative and smokescreen tests with the target audience. Pivoting and improving throughout 

  • Created one killer proposition that easily beat their best performing benchmark campaign by 123%

  • Achieved click-throughs <10p on digital tests

What we achieved

Through the insight phase we uncovered a shocking lack of Mental Health support for women either going through peri-menopause or menopause

The idea for a Menopause Wellness Toolkit tested incredibly well. From the incredibly low CPC we were seeing on Meta ads, we knew we were on to a winner. Luckily, the teams at MHUK could see the need in the market and fully supported the campaign.

In the first pilot stage the results have been brilliant:

10,000 leads in ten weeks 

2,000 wellness kits distributed

200+ new Regular Givers already signed up

‘I was hugely impressed by how Flying Cars built up to the proposition through a well-constructed, well-argued and evidence-based approach. It gave me confidence that our creative will have much more resonance and traction with our target audience’

Brian Dow, CEO, Mental Health UK

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